Wednesday, March 14, 2012

23 weeks!

Wow 23 weeks! I feel great and this spring weather just makes me so happy!

 My belly is growing and growing and starting to get in the way of doing normal things! I have notice this week that it is a struggle just to bend over to tie my shoes! I can't bend over for a long amount of time before gasping for air, my belly pushes on my lungs ugh.
And it makes sense that I’m starting to feel uncomfortable when you consider that the baby is the size of…
A large PAPAYA! WOAH!! 

I'm starting to feel so big, which is crazy considering my baby still has so much more to grow, how on earth is my belly going to be able to get bigger!? The human body blows my mind, it is incredible! 

 We finally have beautiful spring weather so I am taking advantage of it and making sure it get outside and do some exercise. Zach and I committed to walking 3 miles a day as long as the weather is good! We have kept up with it so far this week and yesterday we went to a park and did a little hiking.
We took a little break so Zach decided to kiss the baby.. haha. 

 We made a baby registry on Amazon so if anyone wants to send us gifts :)  go to search baby registry then type in mine or Zach's first and last name (Christina Powell, Zach Powell)
 or if this works copy and paste this web address into your browsers and it should take you to our registry:

I cannot wait to get things for the baby and start putting together his nursery in our new home! I am so excited! :) 

I had another appointment today and it went great!. Our little guy is measuring exactly where he should be for 23 weeks, and his heart rate was great, plus my blood pressure was great as well! So far everything is good which makes me so happy! Although, I have to take glucose test (to test for gestational diabetes)  for my next appointment which I am not looking forward too, I have to chug this gross liquid and get my blood drawn (yet again..eww)! So my next appointment is going to be rough.

 Zach decided to snap a picture of me while we were waiting for our midwife:

Also big news if you haven't yet already heard.. WE GOT A HOUSE!! YAY!!! We are so so excited to move in at the end of April!!

Back to baby talk.. our little guy can hear my voice and  heartbeat -- and even hear loud sounds like cars honking and dogs barking.  I was taking a nap the other day and the dogs were sleeping beside me and they heard something outside and starting barking, since they were right by me and I was asleep it startled me, but it must have startled the baby too because he kicked me when they barked! So crazy! Also, his face is fully formed now -- he just needs a little extra fat to fill it out.

How I'm doing: 
Other than out of breath a lot of the time, I still feel pretty good.  I don't have the “I can do anything” attitude like a couple weeks ago, things are slowly starting to become more difficult, so I am happy to let Zach carry in all the groceries and things like that. I also think I have the classic pregnancy brain.. I do believe it is a real thing (ha) and as long as I'm pregnant I think it is just fine to be able to use my pregnancy as a valid excuse for my forgetful-ness! Haha. :)

We decided (well I did basically) That we are announcing the name a 25 weeks!  

 Zach and I are going to take our dogs for our three mile walk in this lovely weather! :) It's important that I get my exersize and since we don't have a gym membership anymore going outside it the next best thing.

I guess that's about it for this week, check in next week when I am officially 6 months pregnant and the baby is the length of a large ear of corn on the cob!


  1. I'm soooo happy for you Nina! Love you and miss you and Zach! Ill be down to visit ASAP!
