Monday, May 28, 2012

33 (almost 34) weeks

I never posted a blog for this week! I have been so busy I just never got around to it. My parents came in from Florida for the weekend for my little baby shower Zach's mom had for me. I was going crazy trying to get the house ready for company. Therefore the blog is super late! 

Just like every week I of course got bigger! It is hard to believe that I'm going to continue to get much bigger! I got some cute clothes, books, and other little things for  Brady. It was so nice of everyone to get me things! Baby stuff is just so cute :) but I still need A LOT more stuff! We need a dresser, bookshelf, breast pump, bottles, diaper bag, crib bumber, car seat base, burp cloths, baby bath tub, extra crib sheets, baby carrier, and the list goes on! But luckily Zach and I have some time before the baby gets here to try to get some things here and there. Zach's other side of the family is having a little shower for us too, so hopefully we can get more crossed off our list! 

It was so good to see my parents and my friends. I wish they didn't all live so far away!! I'm so happy to have them in my life! 
Thank you all so much for coming :) :) I love you all :) 

Since I will be 34 weeks in just two days, I will wait and post a better/longer/ more detailed blog then! 

Here is a couple pictures from the shower for now, more to come soon! :) 

Friday, May 18, 2012

32 weeks!

Brady Andrew! :)

Oh my goodness I can't believe it has come to the point in my pregnancy where Brady is now being compared to a melon! It was bound to happen at some point. Apparently that time is week 32!! 

Weighing about 3.75-4.5 pounds and measuring around 17-19 inches, he is now as large as a cantaloupe! WOAH!!

 All about me:

Honestly, right now I feel so huge! The past couple of weeks I felt big, but I didn't really feel like I was gaining much weight or looking bigger. I don't feel like I changed much in the past couple of weeks until now. Then all of the sudden- - WHOAH! Growth spurt! I definitely feel and look bigger this week. (At least I think so). Hopefully my belly and skin can keep up with his rapid growth. So far I have been lucky and haven't had any stretch marks, but I feel like that fate could soon change since he is now growing so fast!  On certain days  my stomach feels so tight and hard I feel like my skin may just burst!

*warning the following section is full of pregnancy issues you probably don't care to read.. feel free to skip and move on.. remember you have been warned! :)
 -First of all my boobs are becoming sore again, I went through my times of soreness in the beginning of my pregnancy then they were fine, now all the sudden soreness is back! I guess they are preparing for their own growth spurt.. everything just seems to be getting .. well.. bigger.. not only my boobs and belly but also other body parts, like my fat cheeks (both on the face and bum lol)
Sorry for all the TMI!
Speaking of TMI.. this pregnancy is giving me horrible stomach issues lately! From constipation, to gas, I can't seem to get a break! UGH!  Also heartburn and indigestion. All the things I thought I was so lucky to avoid are now happening to me. I was silly to think I would get that lucky!
Oh the joys of pregnancy! Also, my visits to the bathroom is getting out of control.. especially at night! It's so annoying to have to always have to just sneaks up on me and without warning I have to go! Oh and laughing to hard or sneezing makes for some unwelcome leaks... eeewww...gross and annoying!
 *** But it's all worth it.. This is all for my little prince! I just keep reminding myself!

 Other symptoms:
my tailbone hurts like it has been badly bruise when I sit to long. It feels like it doesn't matter where I sit I never get relief! The only time I seem to find relief is at night when I can lay on my side and take the pressure off.

Also, I'm not sure I am able to walk like a normal person anymore, It's more like a waddle, yep, definitely waddling. No shame, I have officially made the transition into the penguin walk.. be jealous!

Despite the fact I am dealing with annoying symptoms I still have my happy moments! Especially when I have time to just admire my huge belly and watch it move, knowing that a little baby is in there just amazes me. I am trying to embrace my belly before it's all over, pregnancy may be annoying but it's also very beautiful and amazing to me! :)

All about Brady:
  • He weighs about 3.75-4 pounds and measures about 17 inches (he's taking up so much room in my belly)
  • Brady will be gaining about a half pound a week from here on out (a third of his birth weight!) (I will be gaining a pound a week; half to the baby, and half to me! oh I'm getting big..ugh)
  •  now has finger nails, toe nails and hair (or at least peach fuzz)
  • His skin is becoming soft and smooth now that he's filling out with fat

I am getting so anxious to meet my little man!!

We still have to do the nursery, it isn't painted yet but hopefully it will be over the weekend so that we can put the crib together and set things up! I am so anxious and excited to get things ready for his arrival. I will post pictures once everything is set up! 

one more pic on the deck..Don't mind the squinty eyes.. it was sunny out!