Thursday, May 10, 2012

31 weeks- I can't see my toes!

I'm 31 weeks pregnant! I only have 9 weeks to go. This is so crazy to me, I can physically and emotionally tell that I'm in the the last trimester. My belly seems to get in the way of everything and normal tasks are becoming difficult. Plus I am noticing that little things are making me cry, which is very annoying for me and anyone around me... stupid hormones!

He now weighs about 3½-4 pounds and measures a little over 16-19 inches, and is taking up a lot of space in my belly! Now that he is bigger, I don’t feel kicks as much as I do large pushes and protruding hard spots, where he pushes different body parts outward. I think he needs more room in there, poor thing is squished!

I am hoping he is making his way down to the correct position, since last time I was at the doctor he was partially breech (sideways) I think he is getting close to the correct head-down position but cannot be sure until I see my midwife next week.

I'm feeling  very tired these day. By the end of the day I am so exhausted I can barely hold my eyes open, I find myself wanting a nap all the time! Too bad I can't! ugh. 

Guess what? I can't see my toes anymore! AHH where are they??

Anyways as promised this is the big week where I announce the name!

Baby Powell's name:


It's been so hard keeping the name a secret but I really wanted to wait to tell until I was near the end so that no one would give me their opinions to change me mind. We love the name and that's all that matters. 


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