Wow.. yet another week has gone by. These weeks are flying by, I almost forgot to post today!
Anyways our little boy is growing which means I am growing! He's 3/4 of a pound! Lil baby is the length of a large carrot or banana… OR five tangerines. Depending on which baby website you read. He's getting so big, but still has a ways to go!
Baby is pretty much developed.. he just needs to hang out and grow and get fat!
His skin is less translucent as he starts to get baby fat now! His taste buds are also working well now too!
Awwe my little munchkin is growing so fast!
Now that I'm starting to actually look pregnant, and feel my baby perform acrobats.. the reality of being pregnant and soon to be mom is starting to hit me more lately. I am excited, anxious, and scared all at once. It's becoming so surreal.
I definitely have a hearty appetite these days... by now most of you know I have a huge potato addiction, and while Zach and I were at the store there was a sale for chips (one of our our favorite brands.. all natural Boulder kettle chips) they were only $1.19 a bag!! Holy cow, shut the front door! We bought five bags. And I am ashamed to admit it.. but.. I ate.. wait for it......................................... A WHOLE BAG!! What is wrong with me!? I couldn't stop, they were yummy and I was hungry! So I ate and ate.
I used to be a sweet loving queen. If I was ever craving something it was usually chocolate, cookies, or cake. Now I want chips, I love salt and vinegar chips. Pickles, lemons, grapefruit, etc. now. so weird.
oooohhhh....I just got a kick from little baby! (his name is pretty much set now too.. we are debating when we want to share) Anyways, I noticed hes more active during the evenings around this time. oh I just love it! Little baby!
New annoying symptom these days: Having to get up to pee about every couple hours while trying to sleep.Ughh, I feel so exhausted every morning when it's time to get up. I'm so tired! I never get a full nights sleep anymore.. it's frustrating.
Tomorrow evening I have another ultrasound.. I am so excited to see my little man again! Hopefully he corporates this time!
As it should, my tummy continues to grow. I am amazed at how much my body grows and changes each week. These last few weeks I have been slathering on coconut oil, which I read is awesome for preventing stretch marks.. lets hope it works!
All my kids where I student teach at know I'm pregnant but not all the kids in the other classes, who still know me since we switch classes for certain things. Anyways, today when picking up the kids from recess about 5 girls from one of the other class yells... "hey Mrs. Powell, are you pregnant?" what if i were to say no? haha. I love how kids just blurt out things like that. Of course I said yes and got the "I knew it!" response. So everyone including the kids are noticing my growing belly.
I'm feeling pretty great these days. No nausea, and I'm not extremely huge yet where every day tasks are annoying, but I till have a belly where i look pregnant now instead of just chubby in the middle. So I am enjoying what the books call the pregnancy honeymoon. Of course I have my moments where I am cranky or emotional, but who doesn’t? For the most part I'm feeling pretty good and normal, besides the fact that my belly and boobs are growing nothing is keeping me from acting like my normal self. The biggest complaint would be bed time. The time I want to relax is when I am uncomfortable, with an achy back, and always having to pee!
Tomorrow I will try to post new ultrasound pics.. so keep an eye out so you can see my little man!
Check in next week when the baby is the length and weight of a SPAGHETTI SQUASH!